Monday, December 17, 2012

Beautiful Snow by James W. Watson

Oh! The snow, the beautiful snow,
Filling the sky and the earth below;
Over the house tops, over the street,
Over the heads of the poeple you meet;
               Skimming along,
Beautiful snow! It can do nothing wrong,
Flying to kiss a fair lady's cheek,
Clinging to lips in a frolicsome freak;
Beautiful snow, from the heavens above,
Pure as an angel and fickle as love!

Oh! The snow, the beautiful snow!
How the flakes gather and laugh as they go!
Whirling about in its maddening fun,
It plays in its glee with everyone.
              Hurrying by,
It lights up the face and it sparkles the eye;
And even the dogs, with a bark and a bound,
Snap at the crystals that eddy around.
The town is alive, and its heart in a glow,
To welcome the coming of beautiful snow.

How the wild crowd go swaying along,
Hailing each other with humor and song!
How the gay sledges like meteors flash by-
Bright for a moment, then lost to the eye!
             Dashing they go
Over the crest of the beautiful snow;
Snow so pure when it falls from the sky,
Oh! the snow, the beautiful snow!

I thought this would be a good poem for christmas. Especially since I don't have snow.

1 comment:

  1. I love how well this rhymes. It's a really nice poem. It fits the weather around here pretty well since we have a few inches. :)
